We are trusted by 3 cantons and 60 Swiss schools to provide secure, reliable and user-friendly exam experience for matura exams as well as other summative and formative exams. So why is Exam.net a preferred solution for high stakes assessments, like Matura, in many schools in Switzerland?
Reliable and robust tool you can trust for Matura exams
Exam.net is a cloud-based exam platform with fully encrypted client-server communication. The students’ answers are automatically saved and should the school experience a loss of network connection, the student can still continue without interruption. In addition, if the network is still down at the end of the examination, the exam can be submitted offline.
Read more about what makes Exam.net reliable
Ensure academic honesty with Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
With our high-security setting, the students are locked into the exam browser and can’t access any external resources or internet except for the tools you’ve allowed for the exam. We are integrated with SEB (Safe Exam Browser) and also have our own apps to provide the highest security. We also provide backend cheat detection, plagiarism control and other measures to ensure academic integrity at high stakes exams.
Read more about how we prevent cheating
Integrity in your Matura exams
We are deeply committed to student privacy. Our servers are based in the Netherlands and we are fully compliant with GDPR. Any student personal information that we may process is collected based on your settings and selections for each exam. We never use students’ personal information for our own purposes.
Read more about our data privacy policy
Easy to use and intuitive for both students and teachers
High stakes assessments like the Matura exams are already stressful for everyone involved. With Exam.net, students don’t need to create an account and you don’t need to worry about students forgetting their password. Exam is accessed through a student exam key (a code) provided by the teacher.
Conclusion: Why is Exam.net your solution for Matura exams and beyond?
- Robust if internet goes does or other technology difficulties arises
- Safe Exam Browser (SEB) or our own apps ensure security and academic honesty
- Servers in Europe and GDPR compliance
- Intuitive interface
- No student accounts needed
I find the operation of the platform very intuitive. It has an easy learning curve for conducting secure tests. You can use easily without having a lot of IT knowledge. Even learners find it easy to deal with.
Tobias Ebneter
Teacher at Stiftsschule Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Read the full study on how the Cantonal Schools of Argovia benefits from using Exam.net
Monitorize os alunos em tempo real durante um exame e garanta a integridade académica com vários níveis de segurança. Leia mais sobre monitoramento e supervisão com a Exam.net.