Exam.net is free to use for all new schools in New Zealand until July 1st 2024

Exam.net is now integrated with Microsoft Teams for Education. Read more

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Online assessment software for
Companies & organizations

75-day free trial.  No credit card required

Exam.net is online assessment software that is powerful, yet simple to use. Exam.net can help you manage professional training, course examination, recruitment screening and more.

Why Exam.net is your solution for online tests

Illustration of selecting exam type on Exam.net


You can get up to speed with Exam.net in minutes. The platform has all the powerful features you need, but doesn’t require training, integrations or software downloads.


With our high-security mode, the test taker can’t leave full screen mode during the test. Exam.net has robust monitoring mechanisms in place for you to be able to feel in control of a person’s behavior during the test.

Illustration of monitoring an exam on Exam.net
Illustration of marking student results on Exam.net

Time efficient

With our auto-marked tests the marking is done for you in accordance to the rules you’ve set up. You distribute test results quickly to the whole group of test takers with a couple of clicks.

Trusted by thousands

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I LOVE this platform! It is by far and without a doubt THE BEST thing I used for test taking. I always use the blank sheet for the students to write while reading my exercises in a PDF. And I love that I can see their typing in real time as the students work on their exams.

Sofía Kiara

University Business Professor

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It’s a fantastic tool to test our students! It provides you with a great variety of tools to make exams. What’s more, students find it very easy to use and the possibility of chatting with them while doing the exam is a priceless resource. Another thing that I find fantastic is the fact of monitoring their tests while they are doing it.

Gisela Ozorio

University Language Professor

Success story
University of Milan Logotype

University of Milan

When the University of Milan adopted Exam.net there was an urgent need to manage remote online examinations in a reliable and secure manner.  Exam.net easily met all the university’s requirements, was easy to introduce to the staff and, as a bonus, proved to be much more than just a remote, online assessment tool.

Learn more about our solution or try it out yourself
