Exam.net is free to use for all new schools in New Zealand until July 1st 2024

Exam.net is now integrated with Microsoft Teams for Education. Read more

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All you need in your

Exam Toolbox

75-day free trial.  No credit card required

Everything you need

We respect that you’re the expert when it comes to what’s best for your students (because we’re teachers, too). With powerful tools that are easy to use and quick to apply, Exam.net gives you everything you need to create comprehensive exams.

Cheat Prevention

With Exam.net you can choose from multiple levels of security from open book (no security) to a fully-locked down device. These security measures will help you get an accurate assessment of each student’s knowledge. Exam security is integrated into our software, so you can conduct academically honest exams without having to manage and integrate with third party plug ins. Learn more about our security modes


Save time and energy when you set up an exam for auto-mark. Let Exam.net do the scoring for you.

Create your exam with various question types, from multiple choice to fill-the-gaps. You can choose which questions are automatically scored and which need to be graded by you. Put down your red pen and put your newfound time toward the next task at hand.


Develop Rich Exams

Exam.net has a rich set of built-in tools integrated right into the exam experience. Tools such as Desmos, Dictionaries, Translation services… …and more are available if you choose. Students don’t even have to switch tabs or windows to access these tools. See full list of tools here. You can also add your own documents, illustrations and audio recordings:
  • Add audio recordings for foreign language comprehension
  • Add documents such as a reading text or list of equations
  • Add images such as a periodic table

Real-time monitoring

Feel in control over the exam progression by following the progress of the students during an exam.

In the Monitoring view, you can see what students have started the exam, how they progress through it and how many have submitted. If a student is stuck and needs help, there is a chat function allowing teacher and student to communicate without disturbing the rest of the class.


Anonymized Exams

Remove bias and ensure fairness by marking the examinations without knowing which student you are marking.

The anonymisation option can be activated by the teacher as he/she creates the exam or by editing an exam created previously. While anonymous, the student information on each exam is replaced with an identity code.


Make it simple

Conducting exams online takes coordination. We simplify all the moving pieces so you can administer your exams without being overwhelmed by technical complexity. Create and conduct your first exam in as little as an hour, by just uploading a PDF of an existing exam.

Upload existing PDF exams

Take the PDF of a pre-existing exam you want to use, upload it to Exam.net, and get it live to your students in less than an hour.

It’s that easy. While you can enter each exam question individually or paste questions from Microsoft Word, we know that sometimes all you need is to use materials you already have.

Works across devices

Works across devices

Exam.net works consistently across most devices, including Chromebooks, Macs, iPads, iPhones, Windows machines, and more.

We know that not every student will use the same devices while taking digital exams and teachers can’t be expected to be experts in every type of equipment.


No student accounts

Don’t worry about lost or forgotten passwords when exam time rolls around.

Students start an exam by using a unique exam key generated by Exam.net and provided by their teacher. Enjoy a more streamlined exam experience for you and your students.
Google Classroom Integration icon

LMS Integrations

Simplify communication between teachers and students through our integration with Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams.

Seamlessly connect Exam.net to your LMS so students start exams from their Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams feed. With 1-click, return exam results to students.


Empower every student

Different students need different levels of support to demonstrate their knowledge. Exam.net gives you the flexibility to adapt your exams to each student’s individual needs so everyone can shine.

Personalize exams to each student

For students who might need a little extra assistance, Exam.net offers a variety of accommodations that help each student demonstrate their knowledge.

Because we know not all students learn the same. Some of our most used modifications include:

  • Apply text-to-speech
  • Record audio for your questions
  • Translate questions from English to a student’s native language (English, Dutch, Danish, French, Swedish, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese)

All tools in the exam window

With all tools and resources accessible in the student’s exam window, students can focus on their exams with limited distractions and increased security. Whether it’s a list of equations, an audio recording, or a drawing tool, everything is on hand without switching to another window in the exam. Students can even ask their teacher questions in a chat without leaving the exam window. See the complete list of tools

Exams that are resilient

Sometimes with technology, things don’t go the way we plan. No matter if it’s a device running out of batteries or loss of internet, we got you covered.

If a student’s device runs out of batteries, the student can pick up right where they left off on their exam with a different device. Likewise, if there is a loss of internet connection during an exam, the student can continue without losing their work and their answers will be synched once the connection returns. If a student forgets to bring their device, you can print the test from Exam.net and use the old-fashioned way.


Easily submit handwritten work

Just point a smart phone’s camera at the screen and then take a picture and the work will attach to the student’s exam submission.

Despite the efficiency and convenience of digital exams, some work is best shown by hand. Whether you need your students to provide a hard drawing or show their algebra logic by hand, you can have students upload photos of written work to Exam.net using specialized QR codes. There is no app to install or integrations to make.


Put down

your pencils

75-day free trial.  No credit card required
