Exam.net is free to use for all new schools in New Zealand until July 1st 2024

Exam.net is now integrated with Microsoft Teams for Education. Read more

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Paperless e-Assessment

With electronic assessment tools, you can easily create, manage and grade assessments. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required to manage large-scale assessments, allowing educators to focus on more important tasks.

E-assessments tools can provide immediate feedback

E-assessment tools give students instant feedback on their performance, highlighting areas where they need to improve. This can help students to learn more effectively and improve their understanding of the subject matter.

Increased flexibility with e-assessment software

Electronic assessments can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, as long as the student has an internet connection. This means that students can complete e-exams or other e-assessments from home, school, or any other location, providing greater flexibility and convenience.

How Exam.net helps you to organize your e-exams

Exam.net’s e-assessment software allows you to easily organize your exams according to your preferences. Not only does it enable you to centralize all of your students’ exams in one location, but it also provides you with the ability to structure your e-exams based on subjects, classes, or other relevant categories.

What we offer:

Marking e-exams your way

Since each teacher has their unique style for marking exams, Exam.net provides flexibility. You can add grading comments to a particular question or to a whole exam, including using emojis if that’s your style. Grading comments can be visible to students, or private to teachers. You can even export exams and mark them on a tablet with a pencil, which is popular with many teachers.

Electronic examinations’ impact on sustainability

Electronic assessments eliminate the need for paper, which can significantly reduce the environmental impact of assessments. This is especially important as we strive to reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

Try before you buy

Exam.net has a 75-days free trial period per school. You will not automatically be moved into a paid plan after this period, instead you will be offered to buy a license for your school or organization.

It’s easy to get started
