As part of license you get Math for free - a question bank and test making tool for Math teachers is now integrated with Microsoft Teams for Education. Read more

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Using for a range of digital activities with my students has made my classroom more interactive and dynamic. I found and all its features very intuitive - right from the start.

Cristina Brancaglion

Professor of French Linguistics

University of Milan


A remote examination can be run as effectively and with no increased risk of cheating compared to one run in the examination hall. Out of the over 1000 staff using, fewer than 10 have had to ask me for help in using the platform.

Nello Scarabottolo

Professor of Computer Science

University of Milan


We felt very confident knowing that Sweden had used this tool for a long while and that it's approved by the Swedish government for the national tests. The data is also kept in Europe - this was one of the big reasons why we choose to use for our schools. is used for all end of year school tests, but also to provide a distraction-free environment in the classroom for smaller formative tests.

Robbert van Empel

History Teacher and Digi-coach

Teylingen College


Based on our studies on various examination systems, is one of the best currently available for conducting the Synchronous Examination along with our video conferencing platform. For engineering courses, its required to write mathematical equations, drawings, and figures in their answers. The scan option is the best feature that allows students to upload their handwritten solutions directly to, from which lecturers can download easily for marking.

Dr Vengadeshwaran Velu

University Science Professor

Manipal International University


It's a fantastic tool to test our students! It provides you with a great variety of tools to make exams. What's more, students find it very easy to use and the possibility of chatting with them while doing the exam is a priceless resource. Another thing that I find fantastic is the fact of monitoring their tests while they are doing it.

Gisela Ozorio

University Language Professor

Colegio Maria Inmaculada


I LOVE this platform! It is by far and without a doubt THE BEST thing I used for test taking. I always use the blank sheet for the students to write while reading my exercises in a PDF. And I love that I can see their typing in real time as the students work on their exams. You can adjust the time and provide extra time if needed while the exam is taking place. You can maintain a private chat line with each student. An exclusive code can be generated to access per student in case someone couldn't do it with the rest of the group. Even exporting all the exams in a single file, or in separate files, has been great! You can even integrate it with other cloud platforms. I have no words!

Sofía Kiara

University Business Professor

Universidad Americana

Paraguay provides a great balance between intuitive, user-friendly interface and just enough security to make cheating harder. I started by just pasting text questions into the exam and correcting them manually, but when I shifted to self-correcting tests it got even more useful. The exam questions are easy to format, and even easier to grade. Although there are a few tricks to learn, like how to monitor tests and chat with students who have problems, it's surprisingly user-friendly.

Thomas Rankin

University Languages Professor

Sapienza Università di Roma

Italy is actually built to meet flexible assessment needs. So far, I am enjoying the platform and have so much to learn to make assessment easier. Thank you!

Peter J. Agada

Mathematics and Science Teacher

Southville International School and Colleges


Of all the platforms used, I liked the most for the following reasons: 1.- The equation editor is the most advanced. 2.- Various types of questions can be asked, to answer or attach evidence. 3.- The surveillance mode prevents the student from opening other internet pages, software, etc. 4.- Makes a record of the IP and the operating system where the student connects, this avoids usurpations, or duplication of exams.

Iliana Hernandez Cruz


Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Mexico is amazing! As a teacher, it offers me various safety options and exam set-up options that cater for a variety of different subject requirements. Its integration with PDF and Google Drive is a lifesaver! We are still figuring out the Turnitin options but we are very excited to get these working! The SEB is amazing and the way that can save my students' answers while they are offline or disconnected is just wonderful. We have recently just had our whole school write their mid-year exams on and all has gone so well. We are just still managing subjects like maths and getting our students used to typing their maths exams is a challenge, but changes always are. I would definitely recommend this platform to any school that needs to consider an online testing platform. Thank you!!



St Alban's College

South Africa

Exams are very easy to design. The high security option makes it difficult for students to plagiarize during the test. Uploading support files and scanning solutions makes it easy to take and correct the exam. I believe that the option to enable and close the exam automatically, based on date and time, should be programmed.

Alberto Eduardo Paz Gómez

Science Professor

Universidad Metropolitana


This is a no-nonsense and highly functional online exam platform. As with so many things, this European-built platform feels less corporate than US-built products. The platform was a lifesaver in March 2020 when I had to go online at short notice.

Wolfgang Bein

Computer Science Professor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

USA is easy to work with, a fast and reliable platform. It gives students an opportunity to both write a test and choose answers. There is also smart cheat protection, in case a student wants to use additional sources for the test, but not his own knowledge. The tests are afterwards easily processed and the results are clear. I recommend to all my colleagues.

Sabina Nedkova


Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov University


For our university we require essay-style exams and still strict about using multiple choice exams. This is the go to tool for short and long essays. I also use Google Forms through Google Classroom but many times had issues the Google products with students losing their exams because of an internet glitch. I love the reliability of Even if student get disconnected, they don't lose their work. And I can let them back in to finish up. The security is awesome, but I would recommend first using the lowest setting and then experiment with increasing security with quizzes before using it for a major exam. Just a reminder from the system will usually be enough to keep students honest. Also I am using this new tool as a chance to rethink how you give exams. I am experimenting with having students work together on exams but then have their own original answers.

Brian Phillips

Science Professor

Mahidol University International College (MUIC)


My name is Francisco Peraza, I work as a teacher in the area of ​​physics and mathematics at the José Engling School in Ecuador. has been a very useful tool for my evaluations, since it allows me to make self-correcting exams and through the scanning tool to attach the procedures that the students do. That way I can control that they do not lack academic honesty. On the other hand, with its drawing tools, calculator and attaching PDF documents, I can give my students the peace of mind of always being able to make a graph, do calculations with the scientific calculator or simply give them a form made by me in PDF. It really changed my life, now I have more time to spend with my family. Thanks for this tool. Congratulations

Francisco Peraza

Physics Professor

Colegio Católico José Engling


Hi all! I would like to recommend It's super easy to use, just copy the exam document. You can control the student while he takes his exam. Also, you can control whether to leave the exam to look at another page. This increases the seriousness of the exam and the student realizes that he should not look at other web pages. I am 100% satisfied! Thank you for developing this platform.

Shirley Consuelo Honajzrová Banús


Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague

Czech Republic

Essentially offers full control over the classroom when taking tests. I quite like being able to follow the students' responses in real time, because it allows me to make an evaluation of the students' development.

Rony Arteaga




It is simple to use. I very much appreciated the input mode with multiple choice questions, which allows the randomization of the answer modes and the "automatic" calculation of the number of correct answers. Furthermore, it avoids me using a paper support of the texts, saving paper and waste related to texts not used by students who enroll but do not show up for the exam. The storage of the exams is advantageous, it is easy to retrieve the tests for each student and does not require the use of external storage for the PC. Now that I've started using it, I won't go back to "old fashioned" exams. Even when performed in person, I will ask for the use of a classroom equipped with a PC in order to continue using



Università degli Studi di Milano

Italy is a great way to have students complete a test, such as an essay, in class - using their laptop computers. It does not allow students to copy and paste, and kicks them out of the session if they leave it and go to the internet. This makes it much more difficult for students to cheat.

Tony Sarver


King Abdullah Academy (Virginia)


I've been using for a year now and I can confidently say that it has made checking and monitoring the students during exams better. Before we used Google Forms, but of course if our students will shift to another window and see their notes, we won't have any idea. I like that alerts us if our students opened another window and doesn't let them go back immediately. They will need to get a key code from the teacher. is also easy to use so senior teachers won't have a hard time adapting to the technology. Thanks,!



Riverside College, Inc.


Excellent platform, clear, simple and effective that helps both the teacher and students in carrying out remotely written exams, in total safety. The double device helps control fraud.

Jean-Pierre Scarpelli

Language Professor

University of Basilicata

Italy has helped me offer differentiated assessments as well as implement summative assessments more easily. I am much less worried about cheating and/or plagiarism with summative assessments, as I can be actively engaged in their test taking experience, whether they are sitting in front of me or through zoom.



Sapienza Università di Roma

Italy is the most user-friendly platform for designing and administering tests. Students also love it! There are several extremely positive features such as:

  1. the inability of test-takers to visit other websites and "borrow" information for the tests (which helps prevent plagiarism),
  2. observing the amount of text produced by the test-takers in real-time,
  3. the simple self-explanatory design and layout of tests,
  4. the option to use chat with students and
  5. when I use medium security tests, test-takers are required to provide a justification if they leave their exam window before they are allowed re-enter to continue taking the test.

Overall, is reliable and stress-free.


University English Teacher

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

Macedonia has helped a lot in terms of making sure tests and final examinations can be carried out without much hassle. I can monitor my students' progress when they're doing the test and I can also make sure they're not trying to search for the answers on the internet, due to the very high-security system in Furthermore, I can carry out more than one test simultaneously, and I can still monitor all the tests without worrying about whether the students from the other classes are being left out.

Alia Anuar

English Lecturer

Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis


Very useful exam tool, really easy to use, particularly convenient for a large group of students where it was previously difficult and time consuming to read handwritten answers. (I am not sure, though, how easy it is to cheat when students write from home...)



Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani


Both me and my students love this application. It helped a lot to organize online exams in good conditions. For me as a teacher, it is so easy to make a PDF with the items and just upload it. For the students, it is equally easy to elaborate their answers in the generated word file, as the application comes with an easy-to-use toolbox. Also, it provides tools to set up different security levels and avoid cheating.

Corina Rosioru

Science Professor

Babeș-Bolyai University


Hello, I actually use for online exams. I am so happy that we have to facilitate all types of online exams. I like that I can prepare the exam and upload it to the students as a PDF file. I appreciate that it is very secure, and has excellent different features to make it easy for the students and the teacher as well. Students can answer multiple choice questions or written questions where they can upload their answers using a QR code. There are many different things that need time to state here, but all of them make the an excellent option to use. The last thing I want to mention is the great people who are behind that keep updating and developing new versions of it. Thank you very much! Yousuf

Yousuf Fraihat


Jordan Academy for Quality Management


I have found an extremely user friendly platform with clear instructions and helpful support when needed. I like that I can upload PDF exam papers and set up the writing area for students. Overall, a good experience.



Montessori Centre South Africa (MCSA)

South Africa has helped the teaching team to take introductory exams to programming using the python language safely, synchronously and remotely.


Computer Science Professor

Universidad Católica Argentina UCA - School of Engineering


I love working with! The preparation of the exams goes very smoothly and because of the automatic correction of my multiple choice exams I have the result immediately. The (adult) students are also very satisfied to take the exam remotely in this way. is very intuitive; the security is top notch and the chat function between student and teacher is very useful. As a teacher, I also find the archive function very useful: your exams are still available but are no longer visible in the overview. The copy function is also easy. has already saved me a lot of time! I also worked with open questions exams. This also works very smoothly since you can make a PDF of all exams to send to the corrector.


Science Professor



I have been using for taking my exams since June 2020. My exams are exercises and open questions where students are not allowed to consult external data. Thanks to the High security, I can ensure that the students can take their exam in a completely closed environment. is very user-friendly. You can easily upload documents as attachments to the exam. The tool that enables students to photograph something via their mobile phone and include it as an exam answer is also very good, because I can download their written answers.


Mathematics Professor

Odisee: University of Applied Sciences


The app is very interactive and assists students in their examination. Students feel more comfortable with the result as the app helps with monitoring the students and cheating is reduced drastically. Thank you

Abayomi Okunuga

Mathematics Teacher

Meadow Hall

Nigeria is the only affordable and reliable exam platform in the market. It is easy to use for both teachers and students, with enough features to help control and manage exams securely and professionally online.

Nora Sharkasi

Associate Professor

Tokyo International University


Easy to use, very intuitive. Great for automatic evaluation. Good feedback also from students.


Science Professor

Università degli Studi di Milano


It is easy to register and to generally use all the functions offered.

Wiseon Kim

Language Professor

Sapienza Università di Roma


It has been a great tool for students to complete exams, the lockdown function is awesome for doing this. The interface is also flexible and easy to use, to keep control of your students' exams.

Arturo Escoto


CETYS Universidad Campus Tijuana


I mainly use the tool because of the reliability it gives to the results I get, the evaluation process in the traditional and digital model is quite delicate. Before, I usually took my exams on other platforms, but being languages ​​and for beginner levels, I doubted the reliability of the results. This problem was solved by using As soon as the platform was recommended to me I started using it and recommending it to my colleagues, later with the function to create exams with different types of subsections, I was amazed. Now the students take the evaluations more seriously and are more familiar with the process they follow when they take exams to certify their level of English.

Guillermo Alvarado Gonzalez


Universidad Técnologica de Durango


It is simply the best site on the Internet to take exams, with students in different languages, in different countries, with a high level of security that they will not copy texts, and that they can communicate with the teacher, even though he is not in the room. Another advantage is that it allows students with reduced mobility, less hearing, or with less motor ability to take an exam under more equal conditions. Cristián Saavedra P. Teacher UCN Chile Teacher Ues in Mexico and Colombia

Cristian Andres Saavedra Patiño


Universidad Católica del Norte


The reliability (there are no failures in uploading responses). The security of being able to continue responding offline if the power goes out. Inability to switch between pages and copy paste.


Social Sciences Professor

Universidade de Coimbra


It is easy to use and simulates a classical paper-based exam that I was looking for in the lock-down. All questions are uploaded in a PDF file. What do I like the most? 1. to see what students are writing. If there are any misunderstandings, a teacher can inform all students or only a single one a comment. 2. communication that is taking place in the system. So, nobody is disturbed if a student asks something or the teacher says something to a student. In the end, a teacher can send a message about the time it takes to finish the exam to all students. The message arrives on the student's screen. 3. all students' answers are downloaded in one single PDF file. A teacher can easily write comments on the answers (on desktop/laptop computer or on a tablet computer) and also easily compare students' responses. All responses are typed so they can be read easily. 4. I do not need to take care of SafeExamBrowser. The last working version is available on site. I do not use the other features, but I see them as very handy. I am thinking of using in the classical environment, mostly because of the features I use and like.



Fakulteta za management, Univerza na Primorskem


I like how the students can scan their work and I can download completed exams as PDFs to my local drive where I can easily corrected with iPad and pencil.

Matevž Malej

University Math Teacher

University of Primorska, (Univerza na Primorskem)

Slovenia platform has the ability to import PDF of exams I already created. In addition, the incorporation of drawing tools, the writing space or area, the possibility of scanning handwritten solutions, together with some aspects of security and exam lockdown, and the extensive export method are some of the strengths of this platform.

Cristina Oleari


Facultad de Medicina UBA


The application has really been quite useful to me, all the more so because of the challenges imposed by remote teaching. Unlike other platforms, it supports exams with different modalities: multiple choice questions, fill in the gaps, free text, etc. It offers graphical and mathematical tools for carrying out the tests. It is relatively easy to use and allows students to be controlled during the test.

Constanza Montoya Restrepo


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Based on our studies on various examination systems, is one of the best currently available for conducting the Synchronous Examination along with our video conferencing platform. For engineering courses, its required to write mathematical equations, drawings, and figures in their answers. The scan option is the best feature that allows students to upload their handwritten solutions directly to, from which lecturers can download easily for marking.

Dr Vengadeshwaran

University Science Professor

Manipal International University


In the health emergency caused by Covid-19, enabled me to organize and conduct my exams effectively and efficiently. I found easy to use. With I got the task automatically assessed, the ability to load PDF resources (in my case forms), I can use tools (in my case calculators) and monitor the performance in real time, which was appreciated a lot for students’ homework. I was able to take exams completely remotely with three or four different tasks at the same time. The student experience was positive, nobody ever complained. Now I have also brought the PC into classroom teaching and will continue to take exams with Students have no problem with that.



Sapienza Università di Roma


I have appreciated using and have shared it with my other colleagues. It is user-friendly and academically well-thought. has helped me significantly in conducting examinations remotely.

Tamara Aleksidze


Tbilisi State University


I used during the pandemic with excellent results and I continue to use it for master exams and for exercises for attending students. Really a great platform.

Fabrizio Santoboni

Associate Professor

Sapienza Università di Roma


What I liked the most are the fill-in-the-gap and mix-and-match features. My students felt less stressed with this platform. Also, it's so useful that we can upload an exam that we've already designed.

Edith Vergara




Everything is very well done and easy to use, finally something fit for high level mathematics. I appreciate that you can communicate directly with the students individually, that they can use the tools that are available and that they are so well integrated technologically. It’s just wow!

Nancy Poirier


École Secondaire l'Essor


It really helped me a lot in my online exams, with all its tools designed to make life easier. Particularly, scanning handwritten work with a mobile phone is a great tool which, as far as I know, no other softwares have.

Metehan Erdogan

Science Professor

Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University

