As part of license you get Math for free - a question bank and test making tool for Math teachers is now integrated with Microsoft Teams for Education. Read more

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As a maths teacher I really love the scan work option to see the student’s work. It is been a great transition to digitalize all of my assessments within our current blended learning model.

Brandon Williams

Middle School Math Teacher

GEMS Dubai American Academy

United Arab Emirates has really helped deliver and organise exams for my students. I love how quick and easy it is to set up an exam, upload a PDF of questions, add formula sheets and link in subject tools. Students being able to write on paper and then scan and upload their solutions is essential in Math. I have also really got to grips with the auto-marking exams which saves me so much time in certain courses and allows me to return assessed exams very quickly. I give formative feedback on the practice papers which previously I would not have had time for.

Graham Smith

High School Math Teacher

GEMS Dubai American Academy

United Arab Emirates

As an AP Calculus teacher, I teach college courses taught in the high school (dual credit) courses where we are required to use a secure testing platform. After trying one or two other testing systems we determined that was the best! Even the teachers who are not teaching dual credit prefer this testing platform! It is easy to use, accommodates many content areas, and is user friendly. The customer support is amazing as well. I cannot recommend it highly enough!

Jannette (Jan) Salisbury

High School Math Teacher

Southridge High School, Washington

USA is very easy to use, I love the auto-marking, the drawing tools for geometry sketches. It is amazing that it connects with Desmos and Geoalgebra, and you can upload attachments such as formula sheets.

Maya Fernandez

High School Math Teacher

GEMS Dubai American Academy

United Arab Emirates

I am one of the more techie teachers at our school. So far, we have 5 teachers using and I only and to help one teacher because it was so easy for them to get going with it.

Vickie Woodward

High School Chemistry and Math Teacher

North Star Charter School, Idaho


I love how easy it is for students to include handwritten work with their exam. I have kids that, similar to me, that like to write things down. With chemistry and math, sometimes it’s easier to write than type. They just point their phone at a QR code on the screen and then take a picture of their work. It gets attached to other answers.

Vickie Woodward

High School Chemistry and Math Teacher

North Star Charter School, Idaho

USA is actually built to meet flexible assessment needs. So far, I am enjoying the platform and have so much to learn to make assessment easier. Thank you!

Peter J. Agada

Mathematics and Science Teacher

Southville International School and Colleges

Philippines is a reliable digital exam invigilator and both students and teachers can quickly get started without any hassle. makes it easier for me to give students adjustments both in test situations and outside them, e.g. by reading text with speech synthesis or by the usage of dictionaries. has lightning-fast support that gives you clear answers when you need help. gives me a real time overview of students' work during ongoing exams. helps me to make a legally secure assessment of exams because student answers can be anonymized until I am done correcting all exams.

Sam Skoglund



Sweden is my preferred way of designing exams for my students because the benefits are so many: - I can make tests that are self-correcting (it saves correction time for me as a teacher) - It is safe against cheating, because students start the test in safety mode - It is a good way for all of those who need to be able to take the test on a computer - The students who are absent can write at the same time as the others in the class. Admittedly, the students who are at home can look at their notes at the same time, but I have solved this by also giving the students in the classroom access to their notes during the test. If you have studied, you know how to find it in your notes (or books) and if you have not studied, notes and books still don't help because you don't know where to look to get the answers anyway. - All exams are collected in one place so you do not run the risk of tests getting lost. - The spelling feature is good for students with spelling difficulties. In other words you can always read what the students write and you do not have to interpret their handwriting - You can always go back and show the tests to the students at a later time.

Li Bäckdahl


Linnéskolan, Älmhult


Overall very satisfied. However, I don't use the self-correcting function. I am pleased with the simplicity of use. It speeds up the correcting process, eliminates the risk of tests being lost, and makes it easier to see what the students have actually written (compared to when they write by hand). I also like the function that I can share the test with other teachers, so that many can access and let the students write the test (if i would not be available). I also like that you can copy a test and multiply it (for several different classes).

Emma Rova


Kunskapsskolan i Enköping


A good tool since it is legally secured in the classroom due to the high security mode, smooth with autocorrection, tools for translation and synonyms, and also subject-specific tools that very easily can be added while creating tests. The possibility to scan answers from a paper is also useful sometimes but requires more supervision since it most often means that a cellphone has to be used.



Amerikanska gymnasiet Stockholm


Of all the platforms used, I liked the most for the following reasons: 1.- The equation editor is the most advanced. 2.- Various types of questions can be asked, to answer or attach evidence. 3.- The surveillance mode prevents the student from opening other internet pages, software, etc. 4.- Makes a record of the IP and the operating system where the student connects, this avoids usurpations, or duplication of exams.

Iliana Hernandez Cruz


Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Exam is very smooth to use for different types of writing assignments. It is easy to print the students’ answers in one and the same document, it saves me an incredible amount of time. The students like to write on the computer and think that Exam is easy to use. It’s good that I can choose which information I want them to fill in before, for example name, e-mail, class etc, but also that I can have the students’ answers fully anonymised in a simple way. It's very positive to be able to attach images or PDF files with information that they are supposed to write about.

Johanna Werder




I appreciate the possibility of self-correcting question types. Another big plus is the possibility of LaTeX formulas for equations and pictures in both questions and answer alternatives. I was pleasantly surprised by both the simplicity and the possibilities of the system.

Nikodemus Karlsson

Mathematics Teacher

Åva gymnasium


My name is Francisco Peraza, I work as a teacher in the area of ​​physics and mathematics at the José Engling School in Ecuador. has been a very useful tool for my evaluations, since it allows me to make self-correcting exams and through the scanning tool to attach the procedures that the students do. That way I can control that they do not lack academic honesty. On the other hand, with its drawing tools, calculator and attaching PDF documents, I can give my students the peace of mind of always being able to make a graph, do calculations with the scientific calculator or simply give them a form made by me in PDF. It really changed my life, now I have more time to spend with my family. Thanks for this tool. Congratulations

Francisco Peraza

Physics Professor

Colegio Católico José Engling


Hi all! I would like to recommend It's super easy to use, just copy the exam document. You can control the student while he takes his exam. Also, you can control whether to leave the exam to look at another page. This increases the seriousness of the exam and the student realizes that he should not look at other web pages. I am 100% satisfied! Thank you for developing this platform.

Shirley Consuelo Honajzrová Banús


Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague

Czech Republic helps me in conducting tests online. It takes some trial with the students, but after that, they are confident to use Tools for students to answer the question are quite complete. Recently, my students have been using column vector notation without any difficulty. PDF- upload is quite easy and fast. After the test, students' answers in PDF can be downloaded readily.



Sekolah Victory Plus

Indonesia has helped me deliver assessments to learners from different places at once. Apart from being user friendly, allows me to control levels of security. That way I can use it both in guided assessments where students would need to do a little bit of research when answering question and also in assessments where I will need to monitor them with strict exam conditions. Also, our school have been wishing to promote paperless working for decades as they wanted to practice what they teach. With, we can now administer tests and other assessments without hard copies. It has been a great pleasure to work with and I most certainly recommend it.

Godfrey Spiteri

Mathematics Teacher

San Andrea School


I found at the start of the school year and I've told everyone about it. I was in love with the app and it's about the only way I got through teaching and assessing in the Fall. As a math teacher, it did all of the things I needed it to. It has a great equation editor that was super easy to learn and use. It has Desmos included so students could graph and then include the files and it was easy for them to upload their work so I could continue to grade for partial credit. I spent the time to set up my assessments using auto grading which was really helpful.

Charles Duboc

Math Teacher

The Hun School of Princeton (New Jersey)


It is simple to use. I very much appreciated the input mode with multiple choice questions, which allows the randomization of the answer modes and the "automatic" calculation of the number of correct answers. Furthermore, it avoids me using a paper support of the texts, saving paper and waste related to texts not used by students who enroll but do not show up for the exam. The storage of the exams is advantageous, it is easy to retrieve the tests for each student and does not require the use of external storage for the PC. Now that I've started using it, I won't go back to "old fashioned" exams. Even when performed in person, I will ask for the use of a classroom equipped with a PC in order to continue using



Università degli Studi di Milano

Italy is an easy to use platform. As a teacher we can control the student worksheet, just as we did on paper based exams. It has math equations also inside. We can attach other resources and tools such as GeoGebra and calculators. For conducting an examination, is the suggested application to be used.

Nila Rosita Dewi

Mathematics Teacher

Singapore Indonesian School, Palembang

Indonesia was very helpful when e-learning started. It was the first reliable and secured platform that I used alongside fellow math teachers in our department. The ease of making the exam outside of because they are already pre-drafted in the past, and just transferring them into PDF format, removed the stress attached to it. In addition, Desmos, which is available as a tool that we require a number of times in examinations or even in classworks, saves the integrity of the assessment. The online monitor and the booting out of students when they access other sites made students aware that this is a serious exam environment.

Jeaofer Sol


Tzu Chi School

Indonesia has helped me to take tests at distance and to test the knowledge of my students beforehand. Together with colleagues I was able to work on test assignments so that we could also take the same tests at other locations and compare results. The nice thing about is the option to assign points to questions, this helps enormously with marking. The calculator and GeoGebra are also great for mathematics subjects. Students with dyslexia can turn on speech so they can listen to the questions. This is much appreciated.


Mathematics Teacher

SvPO Deventer


I have been using for taking my exams since June 2020. My exams are exercises and open questions where students are not allowed to consult external data. Thanks to the High security, I can ensure that the students can take their exam in a completely closed environment. is very user-friendly. You can easily upload documents as attachments to the exam. The tool that enables students to photograph something via their mobile phone and include it as an exam answer is also very good, because I can download their written answers.


Mathematics Professor

Odisee: University of Applied Sciences


The app is very interactive and assists students in their examination. Students feel more comfortable with the result as the app helps with monitoring the students and cheating is reduced drastically. Thank you

Abayomi Okunuga

Mathematics Teacher

Meadow Hall

Nigeria is the only affordable and reliable exam platform in the market. It is easy to use for both teachers and students, with enough features to help control and manage exams securely and professionally online.

Nora Sharkasi

Associate Professor

Tokyo International University


The functions with locked screen, calculator, geogebra, formula sheets etc are great for math tests. Haven't yet tried creating my own questions, but colleagues have said that it is not as smooth with tests within written subjects.



Danderyds gymnasium

Sweden is an effective platform that controls teacher authentic assessment, especially with high-security mode control and students working in distance learning.


Mathematics Teacher

Al Bayan Bilingual School


It has been a great tool for students to complete exams, the lockdown function is awesome for doing this. The interface is also flexible and easy to use, to keep control of your students' exams.

Arturo Escoto


CETYS Universidad Campus Tijuana


It is an amazing platform for conducting exams. It is error-free and reliable for conducting the exam. Helps to create different types of questions like MCQ's, essay questions that allow students to use different graphing calculators like GeoGebra etc. Easy to use. Thanks very much.

Sakunthala Samuel

Mathematics Teacher

Mount Carmel School, Anand Niketan


This app allows me to set a test with high integrity. The students cannot open other apps on their laptop and I can monitor the students' exam rigorously. The PDF and scan are very useful tools.

Virastuty Virastuty


Sampoerna Academy

Indonesia made our experience positive because it is easy to follow and therefore easy to use. The tools provided are very useful. It practices and manifests academic integrity.


Mathematics Teacher

Saint Jude Catholic School


I love It has made DP assessment during the pandemic manageable and as secure as we can imagine. It is a great way to also help those students with additional accommodations like a 4 function calculator and word processor with spell check. Plus you can enable the word-to-word translator for all students, which is available on my IB exams. I like that MCQs can be auto corrected and I really appreciate the ability to download to my Google Drive for archiving mock exams and section tests, making the extra layer of evidence requested by the IB a snap to collate. We will definitely use this for our students with word processing accommodations in years to come.

Rebekah Hommel

DP Coordinator

International School of Latvia

Latvia has helped me check the assessments more effectively. I'm glad they added the "information" feature. This site is easy to navigate and greatly helps in avoiding possible misconduct during assessment.

Mathematics Teacher

Southville International School and Colleges


I have used in the classroom for tests, but I also have some students who can only access their education online. really helps with the differentiation for these students, especially when online communication platforms can have limitations in this sense. It also means that you can see if a student is working (or not). The students also find it easy to use. There are a couple of limitations with teaching maths (as I do), as there do not appear to be any mathematical symbols that students can use.


Mathematics and Science Teacher

South Somerset Partnership School

United Kingdom

I was originally frustrated by the fact that you were not able to put groups in order. They were stuck in the order they were entered. I have asked on a few occasions about reordering the groups and I think this is a feature that will be implemented in the future. In the meantime, I have requested that customer service order my groups for me. Many thanks to customer service for doing this. My groups are now ordered by period and it is much easier to get to the period I need without scrolling through my list each time. I think this will be a feature appreciated by other teachers when it is ready. Customer service and support is excellent. [Note: this feature has now been added!]


Mathematics Teacher

Jefferson High School (West Virginia)

USA is very user friendly. As a math teacher, the scan and submit feature was particularly useful. The students got the hang of this process very quickly. Exams, tests, worksheets etc are produced and submitted, making summative assessments easy. The monitoring features of were very useful. The feature whereby the student gets 'kicked out' is a useful security feature. With the camera on in MS Teams and a mirror strategically placed behind the student, the integrity of the tests and exams were somewhat upheld. is an awesome tool for online education. Thank you!

Neil Alexander

Mathematics Teacher

Modern International School

Oman is the best platform to conduct exams during a pandemic. It is very easy to use, I love the auto-marking, the drawing tools for geometry sketches. It is amazing that it connects with Desmos and Geoalgebra, and you can upload attachments such as formulae sheets. The only issue is that sometimes my students cannot upload the photos of their work, but these are a small minority.

Maya Fernandez

Mathematics Teacher

GEMS Dubai American Academy

United Arab Emirates has really helped deliver and organise exams for my students. I love how quick and easy it is to set up an exam, upload a PDF of questions, add formula sheets and link in subject tools. Students being able to write on paper and then scan and upload their solutions is essential in Math. I have also really got to grips with the auto-marking exams which saves me so much time in certain courses and allows me to return assessed exams very quickly. I give formative feedback on the practice papers which previously I would not have had time for.

Graham Smith


GEMS Dubai American Academy

United Arab Emirates

I like how the students can scan their work and I can download completed exams as PDFs to my local drive where I can easily corrected with iPad and pencil.

Matevž Malej

University Math Teacher

University of Primorska, (Univerza na Primorskem)

Slovenia makes virtual assessment more reliable.

Dhal Figueroa


Aparche Christian School


Really appreciate the way and the team has come to help teachers and students from all over the world specially under such pandemic conditions. It has helped all my students to keep appearing for the exams sitting at home online. I am sure that this has given a new dimension to the way people take exams. A boon to all teachers and students. A BIG THANK YOU!

Sidhartha Sinha


I have used since the beginning of the pandemic for class quizzes and now the whole school uses it to conduct the formal examinations. is easy to use and easy to navigate for both students and teachers. Using we can communicate with students through chat, make sure that students are not opening other browsers during the exam, and also use additional tools like Desmos, GeoGebra, and link to other sites. The best thing about is that when the internet connection is bad or lost, we can retrieve the answer once the internet connection is available.


Mathematics Teacher & Math-ICT-PE Coordinator

Sekolah Bogor Raya


I love It has made DP assessment during the pandemic manageable and as secure as we can imagine. It is a great way to also help those students with additional accommodations like 4 function calculator and word processor with spell check. Plus you can enable the word-to-word translator for all students, which is available on my IB exams. I like that MCQs can be auto corrected and I really appreciate the ability to download to my google drive for archiving mock exams and section tests, making the extra layer of evidence requested by the IB a snap to collate. We may not (and hopefully not) need this as a school wide app for the future, but we will definitely use this for our students with word processing accommodations in years to come.


DP Coordinator

International School of Latvia


I love your platform. It allows me to evaluate my students more precisely in times of a pandemic.Everything is very well done and easy to use, finally something fit for high level mathematics. I appreciate that you can communicate directly with the students individually, that they can use the tools that are available and that they are so well integrated technologically. It’s just wow!

Nancy Poirier


École Secondaire l'Essor

Canada exceeded my expectations in the application and development of remote assessments. The blocking process that the system generates considerably reduces attempts of plagiarism by students. By linking the use of to other assessment application strategies, I was able to obtain a better view of student performance and build more assertive pedagogical strategies to the class profile. The system is really essential in this remote period of teaching activities.

Manoel Torres


Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)


The website has been well thought through. It is very easy to use for both teachers and students. It is also very convenient for the examination committee to conduct the examinations for various grades and have active supervision as well. I’m very thankful to you for making it available for free during this period of the pandemic.

TS Prakash

Mathematics Teacher

Candor International School


In this difficult time where we had to face online teaching it was a great help to make testing through where we had more control over the time that students had to complete a test, to have a workable platform for students to submit both typed and written work and to eliminate the usage of the internet on the same device as their test.

Wilma Visser

Mathematics Teacher

Trichardt School for Christian Education

Mozambique is easy to use as it allows me to upload PDF question papers and also download students' answer scripts in various formats. It has been of great help since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic which pushed us into virtual learning. As an exams officer, this has come in handy for our school as we used this platform to administer mid term, end term and mock exams. /Mr Elijah Ondigi, Exams Officer, Woodcreek Schools Ltd.

Elijah Ondigi

Mathematics and Science Teacher

Woodcreek School


​​ provided the best alternative for summative assessments in virtual school environments. Its functionality/features allow for adequate testing adaptations for Mathematics and Business Management, which are the topics that I teach. Thank you.

Edgardo Jaen

Mathematics and Business Teacher

Metropolitan School of Panama

