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The Solution for Efficient and Stress-Free Digital Assessments in Örnsköldsvik Municipality

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As a country, Sweden has been at the forefront of the digitalisation of schools. As early as in 2015 Markus and Anders from Örnsköldsvik Municipality were looking into how best to make the teaching and learning experience more diverse and effective through the introduction of digital tools. At the same time, requests were coming from teachers to be able to leave pen-and-paper tests behind and instead conduct digital online assessments.

In 2018, the time came for the renewal of the online assessment tool. Markus and Anders decided to do some thorough market research and involve the teachers in the decision-making process. A group of teachers from both middle and high schools were therefore invited to a meeting and came to the table with a list of requirements for an online assessment platform. These included a reliable security system to prevent cheating, the anonymisation of student work for marking purposes and, most of all, simplicity of use. Markus and Anders also needed a platform which ran smoothly on its own and thereby needed very little administration and support from their department. It was then time to conduct a tender and present an acceptable solution to the management of the education authority. 

Given that some of the teachers had tried out previously and were very happy with it, the decision from the local education authority to use as the online assessment tool across all schools was a welcomed one. 

“The setting up of teacher accounts with is so simple that it saved us hours of time compared to other teaching tools we had administered.”

Markus Horkamo, Education Department,
Municipality of Örnsköldsvik

Read the full case study

With auto-marked e-assessments you reduce time and effort in grading exams. Read more about as your e-assessment solution.

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